Creating SQL Server Containers for versions 2012-2017

I am working on my dbatools and dbachecks presentations for SQL Saturday Finland, SQLDays, SQL Saturday Cork and SQLGrillen I want to show the two modules running against a number of SQL Versions so I have installed

  • 2 Domain Controllers
  • 2 SQL 2017 instances on Windows 2016 with an Availability Group and WideWorldImporters database
  • 1 Windows 2016 jump box with all the programmes I need
  • 1 Windows 2016 with containers

using a VSTS build and this set of ARM templates and scripts

I wanted to create containers running SQL2017, SQL2016, SQL2014 and SQL2012 and restore versions of the AdventureWorks database onto each one.

Move Docker Location

I redirected my docker location from my C:\ drive to my E:\ drive so I didnt run out of space. I did this by creating a daemon.json file in C:\ProgramData\docker\config and adding

{"data-root": "E:\\containers"}
and restarting the docker service which created folders like this
01 - folders.png
Then I ran
docker volume create SQLBackups
to create a volume to hold the backups that I could mount on the containers

AdventureWorks Backups

I downloaded all the AdventureWorks backups from GitHub and copied them to E:\containers\volumes\sqlbackups\_data

Get-ChildItem $Home\Downloads\AdventureWorks* | Copy-Item -Destination E:\containers\volumes\sqlbackups\_data

Getting the Images

To download the SQL 2017 image from the DockerHub I ran

docker pull microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer:latest

and waited for it to download and extract

I also needed the images for other versions. My good friend Andrew Pruski b | t has versions available for us to use on his Docker Hub  so it is just a case of running

docker pull dbafromthecold/sqlserver2016dev:sp1
docker pull dbafromthecold/sqlserver2014dev:sp2
docker pull dbafromthecold/sqlserver2012dev:sp4
and waiting for those to download and extract (This can take a while!)

Create the containers

Creating the containers is as easy as

docker run -d -p ExposedPort:InternalPort --name NAME -v VolumeName:LocalFolder -e sa_password=THEPASSWORD -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y IMAGENAME
so all I needed to run to create 4 SQL containers one of each version was
docker run -d -p 15789:1433 --name 2017 -v sqlbackups:C:\SQLBackups -e sa_password=PruskiIsSQLContainerMan! -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer
docker run -d -p 15788:1433 --name 2016 -v sqlbackups:C:\SQLBackups -e sa_password=PruskiIsSQLContainerMan! -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y dbafromthecold/sqlserver2016dev:sp1
docker run -d -p 15787:1433 --name 2014 -v sqlbackups:C:\SQLBackups -e sa_password=PruskiIsSQLContainerMan! -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y dbafromthecold/sqlserver2014dev:sp2
docker run -d -p 15786:1433 --name 2012 -v sqlbackups:C:\SQLBackups -e sa_password=PruskiIsSQLContainerMan! -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y dbafromthecold/sqlserver2012dev:sp4

and just a shade over 12 seconds later I have 4 SQL instances ready for me 🙂

02 - creating containers.png

03 - Containers at the ready.png

Storing Credentials

This is not something I would do in a Production environment but I save my credentials using this method that Jaap Brasser b | t shared here

Get-Credential | Export-Clixml -Path $HOME\Documents\sa.cred
which means that I can get the credentials in my PowerShell session (as long as it is the same user that created the file) using
$cred = Import-Clixml $HOME\Documents\sa.cred

Restoring the databases

I restored all of the AdventureWorks databases that each instance will support onto each instance, so 2017 has all of them whilst 2012 only has the 2012 versions.

First I needed to get the filenames of the backup files into a variable

$filenames = (Get-ChildItem '\\bearddockerhost\e$\containers\volumes\sqlbackups\_data').Name

and the container connection strings, which are the hostname and the port number

$containers = 'bearddockerhost,15789', 'bearddockerhost,15788', 'bearddockerhost,15787', 'bearddockerhost,15786'
then I can restore the databases using dbatools using a switch statement on the version which I get with the NameLevel property of Get-DbaSqlBuildReference-
$cred = Import-Clixml $HOME\Documents\sa.cred
$containers = 'bearddockerhost,15789', 'bearddockerhost,15788', 'bearddockerhost,15787', 'bearddockerhost,15786'
$filenames = (Get-ChildItem '\\bearddockerhost\e$\containers\volumes\sqlbackups\_data').Name
    $Container = $Psitem
    $NameLevel = (Get-DbaSqlBuildReference-SqlInstance $Container-SqlCredential $cred).NameLevel
    switch ($NameLevel) {
        2017 {
            Restore-DbaDatabase-SqlInstance $Container-SqlCredential $cred-Path C:\sqlbackups\ -useDestinationDefaultDirectories -WithReplace |Out-Null
            Write-Verbose-Message "Restored Databases on 2017"
        2016 {
            $Files = $Filenames.Where{$PSitem -notlike '*2017*'}.ForEach{'C:\sqlbackups\' + $Psitem}
            Restore-DbaDatabase-SqlInstance $Container-SqlCredential $cred-Path $Files-useDestinationDefaultDirectories -WithReplace
            Write-Verbose-Message "Restored Databases on 2016"
        2014 {
            $Files = $Filenames.Where{$PSitem -notlike '*2017*' -and $Psitem -notlike '*2016*'}.ForEach{'C:\sqlbackups\' + $Psitem}
            Restore-DbaDatabase-SqlInstance $Container-SqlCredential $cred-Path $Files-useDestinationDefaultDirectories -WithReplace
            Write-Verbose-Message "Restored Databases on 2014"
        2012 {
            $Files = $Filenames.Where{$PSitem -like '*2012*'}.ForEach{'C:\sqlbackups\' + $Psitem}
            Restore-DbaDatabase-SqlInstance $Container-SqlCredential $cred-Path $Files-useDestinationDefaultDirectories -WithReplace
            Write-Verbose-Message "Restored Databases on 2012"
        Default {}
I need to create the file paths for each backup file by getting the correct backups and appending the names to C:\SQLBackups which is where the volume is mounted inside the container
As Get-DbaDatabase gives the container ID as the Computer Name I have highlighted each container below
04 - databases.png
That is how easy it is to create a number of SQL containers of differing versions for your presentations or exploring needs
Happy Automating!

4 thoughts on “Creating SQL Server Containers for versions 2012-2017

  1. Pingback: Docker Containers For Multiple Versions Of SQL Server – Curated SQL

  2. How can I customise and create lower versions of SQL Server Containers, like the ones you used here, for 2012, 2014 and 2016.

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