PowerShell in SQL Notebooks in Azure Data Studio

I have done a lot of writing in the last few months but you see no blog posts! My wonderful friend Chrissy and I are writing “dbatools in a Month of Lunches” to be published by Manning. That has taken up a lot of my writing mojo. We have hit a little break whilst we have some reviews done ready for the MEAP (For everyone who asks, the answer is the unfulfilling ‘soon’) so it’s time for a blog post!

SQL Notebooks are cool

I have had a lot of fun with SQL Notebooks recently. I have presented a session about them at a couple of events this month DataGrillen and SQL Saturday Cork. Here is a little snippet

Yes, you can run PowerShell in a SQL Notebook in Azure Data Studio just by clicking a link in the markdown cell. This opens up a lot of excellent possibilities.

I have had several discussions about how SQL Notebooks can be used by SQL DBAs within their normal everyday roles. (Mainly because I don’t really understand what the sorcerers of data science do with notebooks!). I have helped clients to look at some of their processes and use SQL Notebooks to help with them. Creating Disaster Recovery or Change Run-books or Incident Response Templates or using them for product demonstrations. Of course, I needed to use PowerShell in that 🙂

I have really enjoyed working out how to run PowerShell in the markdown in a SQL Notebook in Azure Data Studio and I think Anthony the kubernetes magician did too!

OK enough magic puns lets talk about PowerShell in SQL Notebooks. You can read about how to create a SQL Notebook and run T-SQL queries here, (you no longer need the Insider Edition by the way)

PowerShell in Markdown!

First, before I go any further, I must say this. I was at the European PowerShell Conference when I was working this out and creating my sessions and I said the words

“Cool, I can click a link and run PowerShell, this is neat”

A Beardy fellow in Hannover

This stopped some red team friends of mine in their tracks and they said “Show me”. One of them was rubbing their hands with glee! You can imagine the sort of wicked, devious things that they were immediately considering doing.

Yes, it’s funny but also it carries a serious warning. Without understanding what it is doing, please don’t enable PowerShell to be run in a SQL Notebook that someone sent you in an email or you find on a GitHub. In the same way as you don’t open the word document attachment which will get a thousand million trillion pounddollars into your bank account or run code you copy from the internet on production without understanding what it does, this could be a very dangerous thing to do.

With that warning out of the way, there are loads of really useful and fantastic use cases for this. SQL Notebooks make great run-books or incident response recorders and PowerShell is an obvious tool for this. (If only we could save the PowerShell output in a SQL Notebook, this would be even better)

How on earth did you work this out?

Someone asked me how I worked it out. I didn’t! It began with Vicky Harp PM lead for the SQL Tools team at Microsoft

I then went and looked at Kevin Cunnane‘s notebook. Kevin is a member of the tools team working on Azure Data Studio. With SQL Notebooks, you can double click the markdown cell and see the code that is behind it. To understand how it is working, lets deviate a little.

Keyboard Shortcuts

IF you click the cog at the bottom left of Azure Data Studio and choose Keyboard Shortcuts

you can make Azure Data Studio (and Visual Studio Code) work exactly how you want it to. Typing in the top box will find a command and you can then set the shortcuts that you want to use to save yourself time.

This also enables you to see the command that is called when you use a keyboard shortcut. For example, you can see that for the focus terminal command it says workbench.action.terminal.focus.

It turns out that you can call this as a link in a Markdown document using HTML with <a href=""> and adding command: prior to the command text. When the link is clicked the command will run. Cool 🙂

For this to be able to work (you read the warning above?) you need to set the Notebook to be trusted by clicking this button.

This will allow any command to be run. Of course, people with beards will helpfully advise when this is required for a SQL Notebook. (Safe to say people attempting nefarious actions will try the same with your users)

Now that we know how to run an Azure Data Studio command using a link in a markdown cell the next step is to run a PowerShell command. I headed to the Visual Studio Code documentation and found

Send text from a keybinding
The workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence command can be used to send a specific sequence of text to the terminal, including escape sequence

That’s the command we need, however, we still need to craft the command so that it will work as a link. It needs to be converted into a URL.

I started by using this website https://www.url-encode-decode.com/ to do this. This is how you can check the code in other peoples notebook, use the decode capability.

Encoding Set-Location C:\dbachecks gives Set-Location+C%3A%5Cdbacheck`

So I can just put that code into the href link and bingo!

If only it was that easy!!

Some Replacing is required

The + needs to be replaced with a space or %20

You also need to double the \ and replace the %3A with a :
The " needs to be replaced with \u022, the ' with \u027, the curly braces won’t work unless you remove the %0D%0A. Got all that? Good!

Once you have written your PowerShell, encoded it, performed the replacements, you add \u000D at the end of the code to pass an enter to run the code and then place all of that into a link like this

<a href="command:workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence?%7B%22text%22%3A%22 PLACE THE ENCODED CODE HERE %22%7D">Link Text</a>

This means that if you want to add the PowerShell code to set a location and then list the files and folders in that location to a Markdown cell using PowerShell like this

Set-Location C:\dbachecks

You would end up with a link like this

<a href="command:workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence?%7B%22text%22%3A%22 Set-Location C:%5C%5Cdbachecks \u000D Get-ChildItem \u000D %22%7D">Set Location and list files</a>

Doing something more than once?

I don’t want to remember that all of the time so I wrote a PowerShell function. You can find it on GitHub https://github.com/SQLDBAWithABeard/Functions/blob/master/Convert-ADSPowerShellForMarkdown.ps1

This will take a PowerShell command and turn it into a link that will work in an Azure Data Studio markdown. It’s not magic, it’s PowerShell. There is a –ToClipboard parameter which will copy the code to the clipboard ready for you to paste into the cell (On Windows machines only)


There are many uses for this but here’s one I think is cool.

The link below will go to a notebook, which will show how you the giants upon whose shoulders I stand

Glenn Berry,
Chrissy LeMaire,
André Kamman,
Gianluca Sartori

have enabled me to create a SQL Notebook with a link which will run some PowerShell to create a SQL Notebook which will have all of the Diagnostic Queries in it.

You could possibly use something like it for your incident response SQL Notebook.

It’s also cool that GitHub renders the notebook in a browser (You can’t run PowerShell or T-SQL from there though, you need Azure Data Studio!)


Azure SQL Linux VM – configuring SQL, installing pwsh and connecting and interacting with dbatools

In my posts about using Azure Devops to build Azure resources with Terraform, I built a Linux SQL VM. I used the Terrafrom in this GitHub repository and created this

Connecting with MobaXterm

I had set the Network security rules to accept connections only from my static IP using variables in the Build Pipeline. I use MobaXterm as my SSH client. Its a free download. I click on sessions

Choose a SSH session and fill in the remote host address from the portal

fill in the password and

Configuring SQL

The next task is to configure the SQL installation. Following the instructions on the Microsoft docs site I run

sudo systemctl stop mssql-server
sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set-sa-password

enter the sa password and

Now to start SQL

sudo systemctl start mssql-server

Installing pwsh

Installing PowerShell Core (pwsh) is easy with snap

sudo snap install powershell --classic

A couple of minutes of downloads and install

and pwsh is ready for use

Installing dbatools

To install dbatools from the Powershell Gallery simply run

Install-Module dbatools -Scope CurrentUser

This will prompt you to allow installing from an untrusted repository

and dbatools is ready to go

#Set a credential
$cred = Get-Credential
# Show the databases on the local instance
Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -SqlCredential $cred

Connecting with Azure Data Studio

I can also connect with Azure Data Studio

and connect

Just a quick little post explaining what I did 🙂

Happy Linuxing!

Adding a Folder of Scripts to GitHub

Yesterday there was a tweet from Allen White.

Allen wanted to add his scripts folder to source control but didn’t have a how to do it handy. So I thought I would write one. Hopefully this will enable someone new to GitHub and to source control get a folder of scripts under source control

GitHub account

If you do not have a GitHub account go to https://github.com and create a new account

There is a funky are you a human challenge

Then you can choose your subscription

Then answer some questions (Note – you probably want to choose different answers to the what are you interested in question! I’d suggest something technical)

You need to do the email verification

Next is a very important step – Please do not skip this. You should set up 2 factor authentication. Yes even if “It’s just for me there is nothing special here”

Click your user icon top right and then settings

Then click set up two factor authentication

and either set up with an app or via SMS (I suggest the app is better)

OK – Now you have your GitHub account set up. It should have taken you less time than reading this far.

Add a Scripts Folder to GitHub

OK, Now to add a folder of scripts to a repository. Here is my folder of scripts. They can be any type of files. I would recommend copy the folder to a specific Git folder.

Open VS Code – If you don’t have VS Code, download it from
https://code.visualstudio.com/ From the welcome window choose open folder

and open your scripts folder

In VS Code click the Source Control button

and up at the top you will see a little icon – initialise repository

Click that and choose your folder

Which will then show all of the changes to the repository (adding all the new files)

Now we need to add a commit message for our changes. I generally try to write commit messages that are the reason why the change has been made as the what has been changed is made easy to see in VS Code (as well as other source control GUI tools)

Click the tick or press CTRL + ENTER and this box will pop up

I never click Always, I click yes, so that I can check if I am committing the correct files. Now we have created a local repository for our scripts folder. Our next step is to publish it to GitHub

Create a New Repository in GitHub

In Github we need to create a remote repository. Click on the New Button. Give your repository a name and decide if you want it to be Public (available for anyone to search and find) or Private (only available to people you explicitly provide access to).

This will give you a page that looks like this

Copy the code after …or push an existing repository from the command line

# make sure prompt is at right place
Set-Location C:\Git\MyScriptsFolder
# Then paste the code
git remote add origin https://github.com/SQLDBAWithABeard-Test/TheBeardsFunkyScriptFolder.git
git push -u origin master

and paste it into PowerShell in VS Code. Make sure that your prompt is at the root of your scripts folder.

Fill in your username and password and your 2FA

Then you will see a page like this

and if you refresh your GitHub page you will see

Congratulations, your code is source controlled 🙂

Making Changes

Now you can make a change to a file

Commit your change

Hit the roundy-roundy icon (anyone know its proper name ?)

Press OK and your commit will be pushed to Github 🙂

Yay – Source Control all the things

#DataInDevon – Getting up to speed with PowerShell or spend a day with one of four other MVPs :-)

Saturday 27th April is Global Azure Bootcamp day

What’s Global Azure Bootcamp?

The website says it best

…. communities will come together once again in the sixth great Global Azure Bootcamp event! Each user group will organize their own one day deep dive class on Azure the way they see fit and how it works for their members. The result is that thousands of people get to learn about Azure and join together online under the social hashtag #GlobalAzure!

Saturday Is Free Learning

I am a part of the team organising the event in Exeter. Now there is a little story here. We had chosen this date by chance to hold an event we call Data In Devon giving people in the South West (of UK) the chance to access a whole day of high quality data and technical sessions for free on a Saturday.

When the Global Azure Bootcamp was announced, we had a conversation with the organisers and they agreed that we could add Exeter as a venue as we had already decided to have a whole track dedicated to Azure. You can find our schedule here https://sqlsouthwest.co.uk/data-in-devon-saturday-schedule/ and you can register to attend via this form 

Now, we have some costs obviously, not a lot but venues are not free and neither is food 😉. We have a couple of sponsors (feel free to contact me if your company is interested in sponsoring the event) but we also have some paid training days on Friday 25th April.

Friday Is Training Day

It’s a great opportunity to get cheap high-quality training from some of the best in their areas of expertise. There are still some tickets for £175 and the price will rise only to £200. I think that £200 is fantastic value to be able to spend a day learning from

Alex Whittles – Data Platform MVP – Bi in Azure
John Martin – Data Platform MVP – Infrastructure as Code with Terraform
Terry McCann – Data Platform MVP – Machine Learning: From model to production using the cloud, containers and Dev Ops 
William Durkin – Data Platform MVP – Performance Pain Reduction for Data Platform Projects

and myself – Getting up to speed with PowerShell

You can sign up for any of these sessions by following the instructions here https://sqlsouthwest.co.uk/training-day-schedule/#Pricing We don’t have a fancy website or booking system as we wanted to keep costs down.

The details of my training day are below

Getting up to speed with PowerShellS

PowerShell is cross-platform, it works exactly the same on Windows, on Linux and Mac. It is awesome for automation and amazing for administration.

We will cover

  • the basics about PowerShell, PowerShell security
  • how to open PowerShell , how to install PowerShell .
  • 4 vital commands to enable you to be able to help yourself
  • The PowerShell Gallery and how to find, install and use additional modules
  • Reading the language
  • Working with output
  • Why Red text is a good thing and how to learn from the errors
  • We will even delve into scripting with PowerShell and how to validate your environment

There will also be the opportunity to learn about any areas of PowerShell, Automation, CI/CD that you have questions about. This is a beginner level session in which I will teach you to be comfortable with PowerShell and confident in being able to use it in the future

Attendees wanting to follow along should bring a laptop.

Using Docker to run Integration Tests for dbachecks

My wonderful friend André Kamman wrote a fantastic blog post this week SQL Server Container Instances via Cloudshell about how he uses containers in Azure to test code against different versions of SQL Server.

It reminded me that I do something very similar to test dbachecks code changes. I thought this might make a good blog post. I will talk through how I do this locally as I merge a PR from another great friend Cláudio Silva who has added agent job history checks.

GitHub PR VS Code Extension

I use the GitHub Pull Requests extension for VS Code to work with pull requests for dbachecks. This enables me to see all of the information about the Pull Request, merge it, review it, comment on it all from VS Code

I can also see which files have been changed and which changes have been made

Once I am ready to test the pull request I perform a checkout using the extension

This will update all of the files in my local repository with all of the changes in this pull request

You can see at the bottom left that the branch changes from development to the name of the PR.

Running The Unit Tests

The first thing that I do is to run the Unit Tests for the module. These will test that the code is following all of the guidelines that we require and that the tests are formatted in the correct way for the Power Bi to parse. I have blogged about this here and here and we use this Pester in our CI process in Azure DevOps which I described here.

I navigate to the root of the dbachecks repository on my local machine and run

$testresults = Invoke-Pester .\tests -ExcludeTag Integration -Show Fails -PassThru 

and after about a minute

Thank you Cláudio, the code has passed the tests 😉

Running Some Integration Tests

The difference between Unit tests and Integration tests in a nutshell is that the Unit tests are testing that the code is doing what is expected without any other external influences whilst the Integration tests are checking that the code is doing what is expected when running on an actual environment. In this scenario we know that the code is doing what is expected but we want to check what it does when it runs against a SQL Server and even when it runs against multiple SQL Servers of different versions.

Multiple Versions of SQL Server

As I have described before my friend and former colleague Andrew Pruski b | t has many resources for running SQL in containers. This means that I can quickly and easily create fresh uncontaminated instances of SQL 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2017 really quickly.

I can create 4 instances of different versions of SQL in (a tad over) 1 minute. How about you?

Imagine how long it would take to run the installers for 4 versions of SQL and the pain you would have trying to uninstall them and make sure everything is ‘clean’. Even images that have been sysprep’d won’t be done in 1 minute.

Docker Compose Up ?

So what is this magic command that has enabled me to do this? docker compose uses a YAML file to define multi-container applications. This means that with a file called docker-compose.yml like thish

version: '3.7'

        image: dbafromthecold/sqlserver2012dev:sp4
          - "15589:1433"
          SA_PASSWORD: "Password0!"
          ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"
        image: dbafromthecold/sqlserver2014dev:sp2
          - "15588:1433"
          SA_PASSWORD: "Password0!"
          ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"
        image: dbafromthecold/sqlserver2016dev:sp2
          - "15587:1433"
          SA_PASSWORD: "Password0!"
          ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"
        image: microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer:2017-latest
          - "15586:1433"
          SA_PASSWORD: "Password0!"
          ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"

and in that directory just run

docker-compose up -d

and 4 SQL containers are available to you. You can interact with them via SSMS if you wish with localhost comma PORTNUMBER. The port numbers in the above file are 15586, 15587,15588 and 15589

Now it must be noted, as I describe here that first I pulled the images to my laptop. The first time you run docker compose will take significantly longer if you haven’t pulled the images already (pulling the images will take quite a while depending on your broadband speed)


The next thing is to save a credential to make it easier to automate. I use the method described by my PowerShell friend Jaap Brasser here. I run this code

$CredentailPath = 'C:\MSSQL\BACKUP\KEEP\sacred.xml'
Get-Credential | Export-Clixml -Path $CredentialPath

and then I can create a credential object using

$cred = Import-Clixml $CredentailPath 

Check The Connections

I ensure a clean session by removing the dbatools and dbachecks modules and then import the local version of dbachecks and set some variables

$dbacheckslocalpath = 'GIT:\dbachecks\'
Remove-Module dbatools, dbachecks -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Import-Module $dbacheckslocalpath\dbachecks.psd1
$cred = Import-Clixml $CredentailPath 
$containers = 'localhost,15589', 'localhost,15588', 'localhost,15587', 'localhost,15586'

Now I can start to run my Integration tests. First reset the dbachecks configuration and set some configuration values

# run the checks against these instances
$null = Set-DbcConfig -Name app.sqlinstance $containers
# We are using SQL authentication
$null = Set-DbcConfig -Name policy.connection.authscheme -Value SQL
# sometimes its a bit slower than the default value
$null = Set-DbcConfig -Name policy.network.latencymaxms -Value 100 # because the containers run a bit slow!

Then I will run the dbachecks connectivity checks and save the results to a variable without showing any output

$ConnectivityTests = Invoke-DbcCheck -SqlCredential $cred -Check Connectivity -Show None -PassThru

I can then use Pester to check that dbachecks has worked as expected by testing if the failedcount property returned is 0.

Describe "Testing the checks are running as expected" -Tag Integration {
    Context "Connectivity Checks" {
        It "All Tests should pass" {
            $ConnectivityTests.FailedCount | Should -Be 0 -Because "We expect all of the checks to run and pass with default settings"

What is the Unit Test for this PR?

Next I think about what we need to be testing for the this PR. The Unit tests will help us.

Choose some Integration Tests

This check is checking the Agent job history settings and the unit tests are

  • It “Passes Check Correctly with Maximum History Rows disabled (-1)”
  • It “Fails Check Correctly with Maximum History Rows disabled (-1) but configured value is 1000”
  • It “Passes Check Correctly with Maximum History Rows being 10000”
  • It “Fails Check Correctly with Maximum History Rows being less than 10000”
  • It “Passes Check Correctly with Maximum History Rows per job being 100”
  • It “Fails Check Correctly with Maximum History Rows per job being less than 100”

So we will check the same things on real actual SQL Servers. First though we need to start the SQL Server Agent as it is not started by default. We can do this as follows

docker exec -ti integration_sql2012_1 powershell start-service SQLSERVERAGENT
docker exec -ti integration_sql2014_1 powershell start-service SQLSERVERAGENT
docker exec -ti integration_sql2016_1 powershell start-service SQLSERVERAGENT
docker exec -ti integration_sql2017_1 powershell start-service SQLSERVERAGENT

Unfortunately, the agent service wont start in the SQL 2014 container so I cant run agent integration tests for that container but it’s better than no integration tests.

This is What We Will Test

So we want to test if the check will pass with default settings. In general, dbachecks will pass for default instance, agent or database settings values by default.

We also want the check to fail if the configured value for dbachecks is set to default but the value has been set on the instance.

We want the check to pass if the configured value for the dbachecks configuration is set and the instance (agent, database) setting matches it.

If You Are Doing Something More Than Once ……

Let’s automate that. We are going to be repeatedly running those three tests for each setting that we are running integration tests for. I have created 3 functions for this again checking that FailedCount or Passed Count is 0 depending on the test.

function Invoke-DefaultCheck {
    It "All Checks should pass with default for $Check" {
        $Tests = get-variable "$($Check)default"  -ValueOnly
        $Tests.FailedCount | Should -Be 0 -Because "We expect all of the checks to run and pass with default setting (Yes we may set some values before but you get my drift)"
function Invoke-ConfigCheck {
    It "All Checks should fail when config changed for $Check" {
        $Tests = get-variable "$($Check)configchanged"  -ValueOnly
        $Tests.PassedCount | Should -Be 0 -Because "We expect all of the checks to run and fail when we have changed the config values"
function Invoke-ValueCheck {
    It "All Checks should pass when setting changed for $Check" {
        $Tests = get-variable "$($Check)valuechanged"  -ValueOnly
        $Tests.FailedCount | Should -Be 0 -Because "We expect all of the checks to run and pass when we have changed the settings to match the config values"

Now I can use those functions inside a loop in my Integration Pester Test

    $TestingTheChecks = @('errorlogscount','jobhistory')
    Foreach ($Check in $TestingTheChecks) {
        Context "$Check Checks" {

Write Some Integration Tests

So for this new test I have added a value to the TestingTheChecks array then I can test my checks. The default check I can check like this

# run the checks against these instances (SQL2014 agent wont start :-( ))
$null = Set-DbcConfig -Name app.sqlinstance $containers.Where{$_ -ne 'localhost,15588'}
# by default all tests should pass on default instance settings
$jobhistorydefault = Invoke-DbcCheck -SqlCredential $cred -Check JobHistory -Show None  -PassThru

Now I need to change the configurations so that they do not match the defaults and run the checks again

#Change the configuration to test that the checks fail
$null = Set-DbcConfig -Name agent.history.maximumjobhistoryrows -value 1000
$null = Set-DbcConfig -Name agent.history.maximumhistoryrows -value 10000
$jobhistoryconfigchanged = Invoke-DbcCheck -SqlCredential $cred -Check JobHistory -Show None  -PassThru

Next we have to change the instance settings so that they match the dbachecks configuration and run the checks and test that they all pass.

We will (of course) use dbatools for this. First we need to find the command that we need

Find-DbaCommand jobserver

and then work out how to use it

Get-Help Set-DbaAgentServer -Detailed

There is an example that does exactly what we want 🙂 So we can run this.

$setDbaAgentServerSplat = @{
    MaximumJobHistoryRows = 1000
    MaximumHistoryRows = 10000
    SqlInstance = $containers.Where{$_ -ne 'localhost,15588'}
    SqlCredential = $cred
Set-DbaAgentServer @setDbaAgentServerSplat
$jobhistoryvaluechanged = Invoke-DbcCheck -SqlCredential $cred -Check JobHistory -Show None  -PassThru

Run the Integration Tests

And then we will check that all of the checks are passing and failing as expected

Invoke-Pester .\DockerTests.ps1

Integration Test For Error Log Counts

There is another integration test there for the error logs count. This works in the same way. Here is the code

#region error Log Count - PR 583
# default test
$errorlogscountdefault = Invoke-DbcCheck -SqlCredential $cred -Check ErrorLogCount -Show None  -PassThru
# set a value and then it will fail
$null = Set-DbcConfig -Name policy.errorlog.logcount -Value 10
$errorlogscountconfigchanged = Invoke-DbcCheck -SqlCredential $cred -Check ErrorLogCount -Show None  -PassThru

# set the value and then it will pass
$null = Set-DbaErrorLogConfig -SqlInstance $containers -SqlCredential $cred -LogCount 10
$errorlogscountvaluechanged = Invoke-DbcCheck -SqlCredential $cred -Check ErrorLogCount -Show None  -PassThru

Merge the Changes

So with all the tests passing I can merge the PR into the development branch and Azure DevOps will start a build. Ultimately, I would like to add the integration to the build as well following André‘s blog post but for now I used the GitHub Pull Request extension to merge the pull request into development which started a build and then merged that into master which signed the code and deployed it to the PowerShell gallery as you can see here and the result is


Running Windows and Linux SQL Containers together

Just for fun I decided to spend Christmas Eve getting Windows and Linux SQL containers running together.


This is NOT a production ready solution, in fact I would not even recommend that you try it.
I definitely wouldn’t recommend it on any machine with anything useful on it that you want to use again.
We will be using a re-compiled dockerd.exe created by someone else and you know the rules about downloading things from the internet don’t you? and trusting unknown unverified people?

Maybe you can try this in an Azure VM or somewhere else safe.

Anyway, with that in mind, lets go.

Linux Containers On Windows

You can run Linux containers on Windows in Docker as follows. You need to be running the latest Docker for Windows.

Right click on the whale in the task bar and select Settings

Notice that I am running Windows Containers as there is a switch to Linux containers option. If you see Switch to Windows containers then click that first.

Click on Daemon and then tick the experimental features tick box and press apply.

Docker will restart and you can now run Linux containers alongside windows containers.

So you you can pull the Ubuntu container with

docker pull ubuntu:18.04

and then you can run it with

docker run -it --name ubuntu ubuntu:18.04

There you go one Linux container running 🙂
A good resource for learning bash for SQL Server DBAs is Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman b | t series on Simple Talk

Type Exit to get out of the container and to remove it

docker rm ubuntu

Running SQL Linux Containers On Windows

So can we run SQL Containers ?

Well, we can pull the image successfully.

docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2019-CTP2.2-ubuntu

If you try that without the experimental features enabled you will get this error.

image operating system “linux” cannot be used on this platform

So you would think that what you can do is to use the code from Andrew ‘dbafromthecold’ Pruski’s b | t excellent container series

docker run -d -p 15789:1433 --env ACCEPT_EULA=Y --env SA_PASSWORD=Testing1122 --name testcontainer mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2019-CTP2.2-ubuntu

When you do, the command will finish successfully but the container won’t be started (as can been seen by the red dot in the docker explorer).

If you look at the logs for the container. (I am lazy, I right click on the container and choose show logs in VS Code 🙂 ) you will see

sqlservr: This program requires a machine with at least 2000 megabytes of memory.
/opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr: This program requires a machine with at least 2000 megabytes of memory.

Now, if you are running Linux containers, this is an easy fix. All you have to do is to right click on the whale in the taskbar, choose Settings, Advanced and move the slider for the Memory and click apply.

But in Windows containers that option is not available.

If you go a-googling you will find that Shawn Melton created an issue for this many months ago, which gets referenced by this issue for the guest compute service, which references this PR in moby. But as this hasn’t been merged into master yet it is not available. I got bored of waiting for this and decided to look a bit deeper today.

Get It Working Just For Fun

So, you read the warning at the top?

Now let’s get it working. I take zero credit here. All of the work was done by Brian Weeteling b | G in this post

So you can follow Brians examples and check out the source code and compile it as he says or you can download the exe that he has made available (remember the warning?)

Stop Docker for Windows, and with the file downloaded and unzipped, open an admin PowerShell and navigate to the directory the dockerd.exe file is and run


You will get an output like this and it will keep going for a while.

Leave this window open whilst you are using Docker like this. Once you see

Then open a new PowerShell window or VS Code. You will need to run it as admin. I ran

docker ps-a

to see if it was up and available.

I also had to create a bootx64.efi file at C:\Program Files\Linux Containers which I did by copying and renaming the kernel file in that folder.

Now I can use a docker-compose file to create 5 containers. Four will be Windows containers from Andrews Docker hub repositories or Microsoft’s Docker Hub for SQL 2012, SQL 2014, SQL 2016, and SQL 2017 and one will be the latest Ubuntu SQL 2019 CTP 2.2 image. Note that you have to use version 2.4 of docker compose as the platform tag is not available yet in any later version, although it is coming to 3.7 soon.

version: '2.4'

        image: mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2019-CTP2.2-ubuntu
        platform: linux
          - "15585:1433"
          SA_PASSWORD: "Password0!"
          ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"
        image: dbafromthecold/sqlserver2012dev:sp4
        platform: windows
          - "15589:1433"
          SA_PASSWORD: "Password0!"
          ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"
        image: dbafromthecold/sqlserver2014dev:sp2
        platform: windows
          - "15588:1433"
          SA_PASSWORD: "Password0!"
          ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"
        image: dbafromthecold/sqlserver2016dev:sp2
        platform: windows
          - "15587:1433"
          SA_PASSWORD: "Password0!"
          ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"
        image: microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer:2017-latest
        platform: windows
          - "15586:1433"
          SA_PASSWORD: "Password0!"
          ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"

Save this code as docker-compose.yml and navigate to the directory in an admin PowerShell or VS Code and run

docker-compose up -d

and now I have Windows and Linux SQL containers running together. This means that I can test some code against all versions of SQL from 2012 to 2019 easily in containers 🙂

So that is just a bit of fun.

To return to the normal Docker, simply CTRL and C the admin PowerShell you ran .\dockerd.exe in and you will see the logs showing it shutting down.

You will then be able to start Docker For Windows as usual.

I look forward to the time, hopefully early next year when all of the relevant PR’s have been merged and this is available in Docker for Windows.

Happy Automating 🙂

Getting SQL Services, Starting, Stopping and Restarting them with dbatools

There was a question in the #dbatools slack channel 

dbatools question

Getting dbatools

dbatools enables you to administer SQL Server with PowerShell. To get it simply open PowerShell run

Install-Module dbatools

You can find more details on the web-site

Finding the Command

To find a command you can use the dbatools command Find-DbaCommand
For commands for service run

Find-DbaCommand Service

There are a whole bundle returned

find services.png

This is how you can find any dbatools command. There is also a -Tag parameter on Find-DbaCommand.

Find-DbaCommand -Tag Service

This returns

find services tag.png

How to use any PowerShell command

Always always start with Get-Help

Get-Help Get-DbaService -Detailed

get help.png

This will show you all the information about the command including examples 🙂

help examples.png

All of these commands below require that the account running the PowerShell is a Local Admin on the host.

One Host Many Hosts

Now I have used just one host for all of the examples on this page. Do not be fooled, you can always use an array of hosts wherever I have $ComputerName you can set it to as many hosts as you like

$ComputerName = 'SQL0','SQL1'

You can even get those names form a database, Excel sheet, CMS.

Getting the Services

So to get the services on a machine run

$ComputerName = 'Name of Computer'
Get-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName

getting servies 1.png

You can output into a table format.

Get-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName | Format-Table

I will use the alias ft for this in some of the examples, that is fine for the command line but use the full command name in any code that you write that other people use

services table.png
You have an object returned so you can output to anything if you want – CSV, JSON, text file, email, azure storage, database, the world is your oyster.

Getting the Services for one instance

The Get-DbaService command has a number of parameters. There is an InstanceName parameter enabling you to get only the services for one instance. If we just want the default instance services

Get-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -InstanceName MSSQLSERVER| Format-Table

default instances.png

Just the MIRROR instance services

Get-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -InstanceName MIRROR| Format-Table

mirror instances.png

Getting just the Engine or Agent services

You can also use the -Type parameter to get only services of a particular type. You can get one of the following: “Agent”,”Browser”,”Engine”,”FullText”,”SSAS”,”SSIS”,”SSRS”, “PolyBase”

So to get only the Agent Services

Get-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -Type Agent
agent services.png
You can combine the InstanceName and the Type parameters to get say only the default instance engine service
Get-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -InstanceName MSSQLSERVER -Type Engine
default engine service.png

Starting and stopping and restarting services

You can use Start-DbaService and Stop-DbaService to start and stop the services. They each have ComputerName, InstanceName and Type parameters like Get-DbaService.

So if after running

Get-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName | Format-Table

you find that all services are stopped

all stopped.png

Start All the Services

You can run

Start-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName | Format-Table

and start them all

start them all.png

The full text service was started with the engine service which is why it gave a warning. You can see this if you have all of the services stopped and just want to start the engine services with the type parameter.

Get-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName | Format-Table
Start-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -Type Engine
Get-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName | Format-Table
all stopped - start engine.png

If you just want to start the Agent services, you can use

Start-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -Type Agent

start agent.png

You can start just the services for one instance

Start-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -InstanceName MIRROR

start instance services.png

Stopping the services

Stopping the services works in the same way. Lets stop the MIRROR instance services we have just started. This will stop the services for an instance

Stop-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -InstanceName MIRROR

stopping instance services.png

We can stop them by type as well, although this will show an extra requirement. If we start our MIRROR instance services again and then try to stop just the engine type.

Start-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -InstanceName MIRROR | ft
Stop-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -Type Engine

cant stop.png

You will get a warning due to the dependant services

WARNING: [10:31:02][Update-ServiceStatus] (MSSQL$MIRROR on SQL0) The attempt to stop the service returned the following error: The service cannot be stopped because other services that are running are dependent on it.
WARNING: [10:31:02][Update-ServiceStatus] (MSSQL$MIRROR on SQL0) Run the command with ‘-Force’ switch to force the restart of a dependent SQL Agent

So all you have to do is use the force Luke (or whatever your name is!)

Stop-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -Type Engine -Force

Use the force.png

You can also stop the services for an entire host, again you will need the Force parameter.

Start-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName |ft
Stop-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -Force | ft

stop all of them.png

Restarting Services

It will come as no surprise by now to learn that Restart-DbaService follows the same pattern. It also has ComputerName, InstanceName and Type parameters like Get-DbaService, Start-DbaService and Stop-DbaService (Consistency is great, It’s one of the things that is being worked on towards 1.0 as you can see in the Bill of Health)

Again you will need the -Force for dependant services, you can restart all of the services on a host with

Restart-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -Force

restart tehm all.png

or just the services for an instance

Restart-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -InstanceName MIRROR -Force

restart instance.png

or just the Agent Services

Restart-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -Type Agent

restart agent.png

Doing a bit of coding

Now none of that answers @g-kannan’s question. Restarting only services with a certain service account.

With PowerShell you can pipe commands together so that the results of the first command are piped into the second. So we can get all of the engine services on a host for an instance with Get-DbaService and start them with Start-DbaService like this

Get-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -Type Engine | Start-DbaService


or get all of the engine services for an instance on a host and stop them

Get-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -Type Engine  -InstanceName Mirror| Stop-DbaService

stop one isntance.png

or maybe you want to get all of the service that have stopped

(Get-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -Type Engine).Where{$_.State -eq 'Stopped'}

stopped services.png

You can do the same thing with syntax that may make more sense to you if you are used to T-SQL as follows

(Get-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -Type Engine) | Where State -eq 'Stopped'

T SQL syntax powershell.png

and then start only those services you could do

(Get-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -Type Engine) | Where State -eq 'Stopped' | Start-DbaService

start the stopped ones.png

(note – you would just use Start-DbaService in this case as it wont start services that are already started!)

# Stop just one of the engine services
Stop-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -InstanceName MIRROR -Type Engine
# Get the engine services
Get-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -Type Engine
# This will only start the one engine service that is stopped
Start-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -Type Engine

only one service.png

Come On Rob! Answer the question!

So now that you know a lot more about these commands, you can restart only the services using a particular service account by using Get-DbaService to get the services

Get-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -Type Engine | Where StartName -eq 'thebeard\sqlsvc'

services by start name.png

and then once you know that you have the right ‘query’ you can pipe that to Restart-DbaService (Like making sure your SELECT query returns the correct rows for your WHERE clause before running the DELETE or UPDATE)

Get-DbaService -ComputerName $ComputerName -Type Engine | Where StartName -eq 'thebeard\sqlsvc' | Restart-DbaService

restarting only one.png

Happy Automating !

SQL Server Availability Group FailoverDetection Utility PowerShell Function Improvements – Named Instances, Archiving Data, Speed

In my last post I wrote about a new function for gathering the data and running the FailoverDetection utility by the Tiger Team to analyse availability group failovers. I have updated it following some comments and using it for a day.

Don’t forget the named instances Rob!

Michael Karpenko wrote a comment pointing out that I had not supported named instances, which was correct as it had not been written for that. Thank you Michael 🙂 I have updated the code to deal with named instances.

Confusing results

I also realised as we started testing the code that if you had run the code once and then ran it again against a different availability group the tool does not clear out the data folder that it uses so you can get confusing results.

In the image below I had looked at the default instance and then a MIRROR named instance. As you can see the results json on the left shows the default instance SQLClusterAG while the one on the right shows both the SQLClusterAG and the MirrrAG instance results.

duplicate results.png

This is not so useful if you don’t notice this at first with the expanded json!! Now you may in this situation want to see the combined results from all of the availability groups on one cluster. You could gather all of the data from each instance and then add it to the data folder easily enough.

By cleaning out the data folder before running the utility the results are as expected.

duplicate results fixed.png

Archive the data for historical analysis

One of the production DBAs pointed out that having gathered the information, it would be useful to hold it for better analysis of repeated issues. I have added an archiving step so that when the tools runs, if there is already data in the data gathering folder, it will copy that to an archive folder and name it with the date and time that the cluster log was created as this is a good estimation of when the analysis was performed. If an archive folder location is not provided it will create an archive folder in the data folder. This is not an ideal solution though, as the utility will copy all of the files and folders from there to its own location so it is better to define an archive folder in the parameters.

Get-Eventlog is sloooooooooooow

I was running the tools and noticed it sat running the system event log task for a long long time. I ran some tests using a variation of the dbatools prompt.

This will show in the prompt how long it took to run the previous statement .


In the image above (which you can click to get a larger version as with all images on this blog) you can see that it took 18ms to set the date variable, FOUR MINUTES and FORTY THREE seconds to get the system log in the last 2 days using Get-EventLog and 29.1 seconds using Get-WinEvent and a FilterHashtable.

Getting the function

This function requires PowerShell version 5 and the dbatools module.

You can get the function from my GitHub Functions Repository here (at the moment – will be adding to dbatools see below)

Load the function by either running the code or if you have it saved as a file dot-sourcing it.

. .\Invoke-SqlFailOverDetection.ps1

There are two .’s with a space in between and then a \ without a space. so Dot Space Dot Whack path to file.

The next thing you should do is what you should always do with a new PowerShell function, look at the help.

Get-Help Invoke-SqlFailOverDetection -Detailed

You will find plenty of examples to get you going and explanations of all of the parameters and more info on my previous post.

Happy Automating!

Gathering all the Logs and Running the Availability Group Failover Detection Utility with PowerShell

30/11/2018 – Function has been updated to deal with named instances.

Last week the Tiger Team released their Availability Group Failover Detection Utility which will provide root cause analysis on Cluster Logs, SQL Error Logs, and the Availability groups extended events logs. There is a blog post here and the tool can be downloaded from the Tiger Team GitHub Repository

A Bit of Faffing*

It states on the readme for the Tiger Team GitHub Repository.

Repository for Tiger team for “as-is” solutions and tools/scripts that the team publishes.

The important words are “as-is” sometimes these tools need a bit of faffing some looking after!

There is a pre-requisite and sometimes a little “fixing” that you need to do to get it to run correctly.

First, install the “Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017” from here. On the download page, scroll down to the “Other Tools and Frameworks” section to download the redistributable (x64 version).


Then when you run FailoverDetection.exe you may get strong name validation errors like.

strong name.png

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly ‘Microsoft.Sq1Server.XEvent.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd808cc91’ or one of it s dependencies. Strong name validation failed. (Exception from HRESULT; 0x8013141A) – – – >.Security.SecurityException: Strong name validation failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8e13141A)
—End of inner exception stack trace  —
at FailoverDetector. XeventParser.LoadXevent(String xelFi1eName, String serverName)

Then you will need to run the sn.exe tool which is in the zip file. Use this syntax.

.\sn.exe -Vr PATHTODLLFile

stroingname fix.png

I had to do it for two DLLs.

NOTE – If you get an error like this when running sn.exe (or any executable) from PowerShell it means that you have missed the .\ (dot whack) in front of the executable name.

striong name fail.png

* Faffing – Doing something that is a bit awkward See Link .

Logs required for the Tool

To run the Failover Detection Utility you need to gather the following information from each replica and place it in the specified data folder.

  • SQL error logs
  • Always On Availability Groups Extended Event Logs
  • System Health Extended Event Logs
  • System log
  • Windows cluster log

Once you have gathered all of that data then you need to alter the configuration file for the executable.

    "Data Source Path": "Path to Data File",
    "Health Level": 3,
    "Instances": [

Running The Tool

Once you have done that you can then run the Failover Detection Utility. You can double click the exe,

run the exe.PNG

or you can run it from the command line.

run the exe with powershell.PNG

In both cases it won’t exit so when you see the Saving Results to JSON file, you can press enter (sometimes twice!).

The results can be seen in the JSON file which will be stored in a Results directory in the directory that the the FailoverDetection.exe exists.


You can also use some switches with the FailoverDetection utility.

–Analyze – When “–Analyze” is specified as a parameter, the utility will load configuration file without copying log data. It assumes the log files have already been copied over. It does everything as default mode except copying log data. This option is useful if you already have the data in the local tool execution subdirectories and want to rerun the analysis.

-Show -The utility after analyzing log data will display the results in the command console. Additionally, the results will be persisted to a JSON file in the results folder.

They look like this

results - show.PNG

Again, you need to press enter for the details to come through. The results are still saved to the Results folder as json as well so you won’t lose them.

When You Are Doing Something More Than Once ….

Automate it 🙂

When I saw the data that needed to be gathered for this tool, I quickly turned to PowerShell to enable me to easily gather the information. That has turned into a function which will

  • Download and extract the zip file from the Tiger Team GitHub repository
  • Identify all of the replicas for an Availability Group and dynamically create the configuration JSON file
  • Gather all of the required log files and place them in a specified data folder
  • Run the FailoverDetection.exe with any of the switches
  • Includes -Verbose, -Confirm, -Whatif switches so that you can easily see what is happening, be prompted to confirm before actions or see what would happen if you ran the function
  • You still need to press enter at the end though 🙁
  • and you will still need to install the “Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017” and runt he strong names tool if needed

This function requires PowerShell version 5, the failovercluster module and and the dbatools module.

You can get the function from my GitHub Functions Repository here (at the moment – will be adding to dbatools see below)

Load the function by either running the code or if you have it saved as a file dot-sourcing it.

. .\Invoke-SqlFailOverDetection.ps1

There are two .’s with a space in between and then a \ without a space. so Dot Space Dot Whack path to file.

The next thing you should do is what you should always do with a new PowerShell function, look at the help.

Get-Help Invoke-SqlFailOverDetection -Detailed

You will find plenty of examples to get you going and explanations of all of the parameters.

Let’s see it in action.

First lets run with a -WhatIf switch which will show us what will happen without performing any state changing actions.

$InstallationFolder = 'C:\temp\failoverdetection\new\Install'
$DownloadFolder = 'C:\temp\failoverdetection\new\Download'
$DataFolder = 'C:\temp\failoverdetection\new\Data'
$SQLInstance = 'SQL0'

$invokeSqlFailOverDetectionSplat = @{
DownloadFolder = $DownloadFolder
SQLInstance = $SQLInstance
DataFolder = $DataFolder
InstallationFolder = $InstallationFolder
Invoke-SqlFailOverDetection @invokeSqlFailOverDetectionSplat -WhatIf


So you can see that if we run it without the -WhatIf switch it will

  • Create some directories
  • Download the zip file from the repo
  • Extract the zip file
  • Copy the required logs from each of the replicas to the data folder
  • Create the JSON configuration file
  • Run the executable

NOTE : – I have limited the gathering of the system event log to the last 2 days to limit the amount of time spent dealing with a large system log. I gather all of the SQL Error logs in the Error log path as that works for the first scenario I wrote this for, your mileage may vary.

So if we want to run the command we can remove the -WhatIf switch.

$InstallationFolder = 'C:\temp\failoverdetection\new\Install'
$DownloadFolder = 'C:\temp\failoverdetection\new\Download'
$DataFolder = 'C:\temp\failoverdetection\new\Data'
$SQLInstance = 'SQL0'

$invokeSqlFailOverDetectionSplat = @{
DownloadFolder = $DownloadFolder
SQLInstance = $SQLInstance
DataFolder = $DataFolder
InstallationFolder = $InstallationFolder
Invoke-SqlFailOverDetection @invokeSqlFailOverDetectionSplat

It can take a little while to run depending on the number of replicas, size of logs etc but once it has started running you can do other things.

It will require being run as an account with permissions to all of the folders specified and Windows and SQL permissions on all of the replicas in the Availability Group.


As you can see below it has gathered all of the results and placed them in the data folder.


The results can be found in the results folder.


If I have already run the tool, I can use the Analyze switch to save gathering the data again. I also use the AlreadyDownloaded switch as I do not need to download the zip file again.

$invokeSqlFailOverDetectionSplat = @{
DownloadFolder = $DownloadFolder
SQLInstance = $SQLInstance
DataFolder = $DataFolder
InstallationFolder = $InstallationFolder
AlreadyDownloaded = $true
Analyze = $true
Invoke-SqlFailOverDetection @invokeSqlFailOverDetectionSplat
and the results are again saved in the results folder.
I can show the results on the screen as well as saving them as JSON with the Show parameter.
$InstallationFolder = 'C:\temp\failoverdetection\Install'
$DownloadFolder = 'C:\temp\failoverdetection\Download'
$DataFolder = 'C:\temp\failoverdetection\Data'
$SQLInstance = 'SQL0'

$invokeSqlFailOverDetectionSplat = @{
DownloadFolder = $DownloadFolder
SQLInstance = $SQLInstance
DataFolder = $DataFolder
InstallationFolder = $InstallationFolder
AlreadyDownloaded = $true
Analyze = $true
Show = $true
Invoke-SqlFailOverDetection @invokeSqlFailOverDetectionSplat


You will then need to press enter to get the next lot of results.

more show results.PNG

Why Not Add This To dbatools?

I haven’t added this to dbatools (yet) because I wrote it in this way for a particular need and dbatools requires support for PowerShell V3 . I have, however created an issue added to this issue in the dbatools GitHub Repository (as this is how you to start the process of adding things to dbatools) so hopefully we can get it in there soon as well – in which case I will come back and update this post.


Happy Automating!

Getting the SQL Version from a backup using dbatools ………. on PowerShell Core

Following an upgrade to SQL Server the backup share had a number of backups, some from the old version and some from the newer version. I was asked if I had a script to be able to get the SQL Version from the backup file from all of the files in the backup share.

With dbatools this was easy to accomplish with Read-DbaBackuoHeader

$backupshare = "$share\keep"
$Instance = "SQL0\Mirror"

$information = foreach ($BackupFile in (Get-ChildItem $backupshare)) {
    $FileName = @{Name = 'FileName'; Expression = {$BackupFile.Name}}
    Read-DbaBackupHeader -SqlInstance $Instance -Path $BackupFile.FullName | Select-Object  $FileName, DatabaseName , CompatibilityLevel, SqlVersion
$information | Format-Table


You can get more information about the backup using Read-DbaBackupHeader and as it is PowerShell it is easy to put this information into any format that you wish, maybe into a database with Write-DbaDataTable

Support for PowerShell Core in dbatools is coming along very nicely. Following some hard work by the dbatools team and some PowerShell Community members like Mathias Jessen it is now possible to run a large number of dbatools commands in PowerShell Core running on Windows. There is still a little bit of work to do to get it working on Linux and Mac but I hear the team are working hard on that.

So the code example you see above was running on Windows 10 using PowerShell 6.1.1 the current latest stable release. This is excellent news and congratulations to all those working hard to make this work


If you want to try PowerShell Core, you can follow the instructions

Happy Automating!